vendredi 24 avril 2009

Recherches personnelles/ portraits stars

J'aime beaucoup le monde de l'enfance, c'est vrai, mais je suis aussi très influencée par la mode, les magazines etc...
J'ai donc fais quelques recherches personnelles sur un thème plus adulte.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?


I truly love the childhood theme, and usually work a lot in that way, but I also am very fond of fashion, magazines etc....
So I did here a couple of personnal research for a more adult public.
What do you think ?

6 commentaires:

  1. They look wonderful, I love the little bubbles and swirls that accompany each portrait too!

  2. These are great...I like Jude Law the best!

  3. look great Anne and yes you can make and sell those fashion illustrations in you shop too methink!

  4. but it's so much different .. ? do you think I should open another shop ? or maybe as soon as we can change the pictures around as we wish I could do that :)
    thanks girls !

  5. VIVE l'inspiration WARHOL!
    GREAT work, keep creating!
